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Automatons and music boxes with angels - Automatons and music boxes by theme

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Musical jewelry box with picture : boîte à bijoux musicale "Anges enlacés"
95, 00 €
30 note Musical jewelry box with angel inlay
200, 00 € instead of249, 00 €
30 note Musical jewelry box with angel inlay
200, 00 € instead of249, 00 €
18 note Musical jewelry box with angel inlay
140, 00 € instead of189, 00 €
Valentine's Day music box:"Lil' Love"
26, 00 €
Musical bag music box: guardian angels
5, 15 €
German traditional snow globe : snow globe without music made of plastic with an angel
8, 40 €
Jewelry music box without ballerina : two angels from a painting by Raphael
91, 20 €
Valentine’s round hand cranked music box made of cardboard : hand cranked music box "Love story
9, 85 €
18 note Musical jewelry box with angel inlay
140, 00 € instead of189, 00 €
18 note Musical jewelry box with angel inlay
140, 00 € instead of189, 00 €
Musical bag music box: guardian angels
5, 15 €
30 note Musicall jewelry box with angel inlay
200, 00 € instead of249, 00 €
Musical ring box : musical ring box with a angel and a flower inlay
130, 00 €
Round hand cranked music box made of cardboard : hand cranked music box with little angels no. 2
9, 85 €

* Prices are barred retail price given by the manufacturers or generally found in supermarkets. " .

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