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DVDs, CDs and books about automatons and mechanical musical instruments - Worldwide Products

Lutèce Créations propose dans cette catégorie des DVD, des CD et des livres sur les automates et les instruments de musique mécanique.

Une sous-rubrique est également disponible et concerne les flip books appelés aussi folioscopes ou feuilletoscopes.

Les DVD ont trait majoritairement au monde des automates anciens tels que celui consacré aux automates des Jaquet-Droz et celui consacré au célèbre magicien Robert-Houdin.

Les CD proposent des enregistrements d'instruments de musique mécanique en tous genres : boîtes à musique, orgues de Barbarie, orgues de foire etc...

NB : Les CD, DVD et livres disponibles sont affichés en tête de liste.
Status :
Number of product / page :
Flip book : flip book "Travel to the moon"
5, 30 €
Audio CD of mechanical music instruments : CD "Limonaire organ 1900"
18, 75 €
Audio CD of mechanical music instruments : CD "Limonaire organ 1900 vol 2"
18, 75 €
Audio CD of mechanical music instruments : CD "The troubadour of Volendam"
20, 00 €
Audio CD of mechanical music instruments : CD "The art of mechanical music"
19, 00 €
Audio CD of mechanical music instruments : CD "The barrel organ"
14, 40 €
Audio CD of mechanical music instruments : CD "The barrel organ"
19, 00 €
Audio CD of mechanical music instruments : CD "The Baud museum"
20, 00 €
CD of mechanical music instruments : CD "The Baud museum, 50 years of mechanical music".
20, 00 €
Book about automatons : book "The secret of the automaton"
21, 00 €
Book about automatons: Artificial Life, or Biology Meets Computer Science
35, 00 €
Book about automatons: The Mechanism of the Flutist Automaton
23, 00 €
Book about automatons : oiseaux de Bonheur (Birds of Joy and Luck).
270, 00 €
Collector’s book about automatons: Les automates de Monte Carlo (The automatons of Monte Carlo).
100, 00 €
Collector’s book about automatons :" Les automates" (The automatons)..
45, 00 €
Audio CD of mechanical music instruments: CD "The Raffin Organ"
18, 75 €
Collector’s book about automatons: The Artificial creatures, automatons in virtual worlds
33, 00 €
Collector's book about automatons : book "Les automates" (The automatons)
40, 00 €
CD of mechanical music instruments : CD "Karussellorgel Gebre. Bruder Modell 109"
20, 00 €
Songbook for the CD n°9 "Barrel organ - 23 yesterday successes"
9, 00 €
Audio CD of mechanical music instrument : CD "Limonaire Organ 1900 volume 3"
18, 75 €
DVD about automatons : DVD of two movies about the Watch Museum in the Chateau des Monts
25, 00 €
Book about the manufacturing of music boxes : "Dr Wyss’ workshop"
34, 00 €
Collectable book on automatons : book "Les automates" by Charles Rickard
20, 00 €
Automata: The Golden Age 1848-1914 by Christian Bailly (french version)
95, 00 €
Collectable book on automatons : book on automatons "The best 100 images on commerical automato
25, 00 €
Flip book : big flip book "The Beatles"
22, 80 €
Book about automatons : "le monde des automates, étude historique et technique"(The World
360, 00 €
Collector's book about automatons : book "Automates et automatisme"
10, 00 €
Collector's book about automatons : book "Les automates" (The automatons)
25, 00 €
Flip book or flick book: flip book "Turkish trophies"
8, 40 €
Dvd about automatons : DVD Robert-houdin, a magician's life
10, 00 €
DVD about automatons : DVD The Jaquet-Droz androids
15, 00 €
Flick book, flip book : flip book "When the pie was opened"
7, 70 €
Flip book or flick book: flip book "Hattrix reloaded"
7, 00 €

* Prices are barred retail price given by the manufacturers or generally found in supermarkets. " .

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