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Vintage automatons of the 19th and 20th century - Collectable and antique objects

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Porcelain musical automaton made in France by Roullet-Decamps: the Spanish girl

Model : Musical automaton Decamps
Categories : Collectable and antique objects,Vintage automatons of the 19th and 20th century

Musical automaton made in France by Roullet-Decamps: the Spanish girl (automaton n°300 of the Roullet-Decamps catalog). This musical automaton from the end of the 19th century has two movements: the movement of the head from right to left and the movement

Weight : 1430 g Reference AUTOMATE-58

Dimensions : 53 X 13,5 X 17 cm
2 200, 00 € TTC
2 200, 00 € HT

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Musical automaton: the spanish girl

Musical automaton made in France by Roullet-Decamps: the Spanish girl (automaton n°300 of the Roullet-Decamps catalog).

This musical automaton from the end of the 19th century has two movements: the movement of the head from right to left and the movement of the hand that operates the tambourine.

This musical automaton has a porcelain bisque head with blue eyes and open mouth and metal hands.

This musical automaton contains a traditional wind up musical mechanism which is wound with a key that is inserted at the back of the base.

Melodies of this musical automaton: 2 tunes of classical music.

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Musical automaton made in France by Roullet-Decamps: the spanish girl (Item#: AUTOMATE-58)

- Musical automaton with porcelain bisque head (a porcelain bisque is an unglazed porcelain, white porcelain treated as a final product, with a matte appearance and texture to the touch).

- Musical automaton with blue glass eyes and metal hands (the metal hands testify to the antiquity of an automaton compared to automatons with porcelain bisque hands).

- Musical automaton with its original clothes made of rich satin.

- Musical automaton (number 300 of the Roullet-Decamps catalog ("The golden age of automatons" by Christian Bailly)).

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Musical automaton made in France by Roullet-Decamps: the spanish girl (Item#: AUTOMATE-58)


La Maison Roullet-Decamps est célèbre et réputée pour ses automates. Créée en 1865 par Jean Roullet, l´entreprise prit la dénomination de Roullet-Decamps en 1889, 10 ans après le mariage de la fille de Jean Roullet avec Ernest Decamps, mécanicien de profession. Elle cesse ses activités en 1995. La collection est exposée au public dans deux musées français à Falaise (Calvados) et à Souillac (Lot).

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